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No New Posts Back Story

Here's the plot and the species directory.

Moderator: Shirit

2 2 Plot
by Shirit
Oct 10, 2009 14:58:01 GMT -5
No New Posts The Rules

Please read these before beginning to post an application.

Moderator: Shirit

1 3 All Rules (IC and OOC)
by Shirit
Jul 19, 2009 11:01:39 GMT -5
No New Posts Characters

This is where you post your application for a character. Once it has been accepted, it will be placed in the "Accepted" section of this board.

Moderators: Shirit, x22x

Sub-boards: Accepted characters, Old Characters

70 370 Oliver Reid
by Shirit
Jul 29, 2010 22:17:07 GMT -5
No New Posts School functions

Plays, Concerts, Assemblies, etc.

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No New Posts Chit Chat

Talk about anything here!

Moderators: Shirit, x22x

Sub-board: Archive

58 897 Just a heads up
by Haven Collins
Dec 17, 2009 14:42:23 GMT -5
No New Posts Games

This is where we play games that are either IC (in character) or OOC (out of character).

Moderators: Shirit, x22x

6 126 Quiz thingie...
by Shirit
Jul 7, 2009 14:34:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Advertising

This is where people can avertise their RPGs.

Moderators: Shirit, x22x

Sub-boards: Linking Back, First Timers, Afflicates

12 13 Fractured Jellicles - A Vampire AU Roleplay
by Questie
Nov 22, 2014 20:18:24 GMT -5

The Boarding School

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Drama Class

This is a large room with a polished oak floor. There are posters of various musicals and theatre productions hung on the walls.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Science Class

This room is like any other typical school laboratory. It has rows where the students sit, bunsen burners, gas taps, and a lot of windows (although they have blinds).

Moderator: Shirit

1 135 Ho perso te, amore {X2}
by Shirit
Sept 30, 2010 11:32:03 GMT -5
No New Posts Literature Class

This is a smallish room filled with shelves of books, almost like a library. There are bookshelves on the walls crammed with various old books filled with knowledge and black magic...

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Algebra Class

This room is in the shape of an octagon, and is medium sized. There is a huge whiteboard at the front of the room and various posters of mathmaticians around the walls.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Social Studies Class

This is a ordinary classroom, unlike a lot of the school. There are desks for pupils to sit at and the teacher's desk at the front. This is the most normal room at Sinders Academy.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Gym Class

This contains three different rooms. One is a hall where you can play sports, another is a gymnasium where you can work out and then there's a swimming pool (plus changing rooms for each gender to top those three rooms).

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Chorus Class

Generally, this is pretty much occupied entirely by Sirens as they are the ones that sing the most. It is a huge hall with great acoustics. The only permenant object in the room is the piano.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Art Class

This room is like a huge studio with a lot of space and a fantastic view of the hills around the school.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Woodshop

This room is almost made entirely of wood and has a lot of tools hung up on the walls to leave space.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Home Economics

This room is just a huge kitchen, right beside the staff kitchen where they prepare the school lunches.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Cafe Sinders!

This is where the students go to eat lunch. The Headmistress gave it that name to make it sound more elegant. There is an area just outside of the cafeteria where students are allowed to eat.

Moderator: Shirit

1 16 Golden Opportunity ((Shirit-of course))
by Shirit
Sept 14, 2010 13:20:29 GMT -5

Around the School

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No New Posts Football Field

This is a huge football field just outside of the lunch area.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Baseball Diamond

This is a baseball pitch right beside the football field.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Play House

This is where productions are performed and also where auditions are held.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Oak of Wisdom

This is where the Mages go to relax, do homework, to do anything really. This is their hangout spot.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Caves

These are caves that are just down the mountain side, in a thick forest. The caves are deep and ancient. They offer shelter and a place to contemplate. This is the vampire hangout spot. It's a dangerous place to be.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Whisper Lake

This lake is just down the hill from the school itself. It has mist hovering above it and trees surrounding the lake along with boulders in the lake and on the outside of it. There are gates to prevent unfortunate people from stumbling inside, just incase they become dazzled.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Cliffs of Madness

These are cliffs just outside of the school. They drop straight down, and are covered with trees. This area is pretty risky to hang around as this is where the Furies and Mages mess around.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Depth of the Forest

This is where the Werewolves and Nekos can relax, and also where Nekos are permitted to transform into cats. It is a thicket so it prevents anyone from seeing into the area.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Cloud Garden

This is in one of the towers of the building where it is so high that it is amongst the clouds. Genies come up here to hang out.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts Homes

This is where the students live, obviously not all in one place though but in different areas of the city.

Moderator: Shirit

2 50 Re-Building {Seb!}
by Shirit
Sept 30, 2010 11:28:44 GMT -5
No New Posts Hospital

This is the hospital. Nuff' said.

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No New Posts The Forest

This is a dark, mysterious place surrounded by trees. It leads off of the school grounds and into the woodland. It's creepy here at times. Werewolves and Vampires are often spotted in these woods.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Mall

This is where there are many shops and a few resturants. It's nice to come here with friends.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Carnival

This is a Carnival with rides, games, and more. This place is great fun.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Highstreet

This is were there are plenty of cafes, resturants and small shops. There's also a little cinema near by.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Park

This is a park that's fairly close to the school. It has a children's playground, a lot of green open space and a pond in the middle of it. It's romantic here at night, but dangerous.

Moderator: Shirit

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No New Posts The Drive-In

This is where you can drive in with your friends or date and watch a movie. There's still plenty to do here though. There's loads of space, refreshments and bars... not that the students could really use them legally.

Moderator: Shirit

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Dead Section

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No New Posts Dead Threads

This is where all of the dead (unactive) threads go.

Moderators: Shirit, x22x

133 9,544 Getting Better? {X2 -obviously}
by Shirit
Aug 9, 2010 23:59:03 GMT -5


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